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Get Permission From Your Parents: A Guide

When was the last time you asked permission from your parents to go to a sleepover and how did it go? Did you get the door slammed after having “the conversation”?

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April 17, 2023

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Getting permission from parent guide, prepared by Decktopus Content Team
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When was the last time you asked permission from your parents to go to a sleepover and how did it go? Did you get the door slammed after having “the conversation”? It is getting harder to get “yes” as an answer since we are going through a global pandemic and parents are on the edge more often when it comes to protecting their children. Also, children are having problems socializing and finding ways to occupy themselves. So they want to go out, go shopping, see their friends, get a puppy, or just stay up a little longer! Negotiations even started at the Williams&Ohanian family!

Turns out the pandemic is helping young ones become professional sales agents by nature! Last week, one of our users, Alice, got super creative and received her permission! She told us that the biggest reason for getting “yes” as an answer was that she put so much effort into the process: She prepared a whole presentation on Decktopus about why she should go to the sleepover at her best friend Carrie’s house.

So we went through her presentation, with her permission; here are some of the key points we extracted for being successful at negotiations:

1. Safety First

Let your parents know about all the details of your plan and make sure you are prepared for their questions and concerns. You should specifically state your plan, the timing, the people involved, and their contact information. You should also make sure for yourself, that anything you want or any place you want to go will follow the COVID safety rules. Finally, make sure that your parents know how you will be staying safe!

2. Include some humor

This is where the creativity comes in: Just try to lighten up the atmosphere and make them smile! That’s how you can ease their decision making by bonding with them in a genuine way.

3. Introduce different perspectives

Try to look from their perspective and find reasons that support your plan and statement. We fell in love with Carrie’s reasonings and apparently, her mom fell in love with it too!

4. Make an agreement

Negotiations are not easy! Sometimes you have to sacrifice too. Ask them about their terms & conditions and show them that you will be responsible enough to listen to them. Humor aside, just remember your parents would never want you to be unhappy or hurt. Listening to their concerns and empathizing with them makes you a mature human being.

5. Be open to a conversation

Don’t rush into the conclusion. Give your parents time to discuss and be ready when they want to have a conversation. Communication is the best way to understand each other. Slamming doors or saying “no” directly is not the best way to communicate.

Remember that the world is really going through hard times. So sometimes negotiations won’t work well. This doesn’t mean you have to insist. Just know that if you approach the situation with the appropriate attitude like Alice did and still get “no” as an answer your parents must have good reasoning!

With the things we learned from Alice, we prepared a template for you to convince your parents to buy you a Decktopus membership since it has a 50% discount. If you want Decktopus’ support on your negotiations, make sure you check out the template!

How Can I Use This Template?

  1. Sign Up
  2. Click Create New Presentation
  3. Pick “Convincing Parents” Deck from Sample Decks List
  4. Start Editing!

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