Turn your PDFs into
presentations with AI

Do you have pages of content, but don’t know where to start?
Import your PDF and let us start.
Import your PDF

Import PDF and effortlessly convert them into presentations

Transform your PDF files into captivating presentations with Decktopus AI. Simply upload your PDF, and let our platform instantly convert it into a professional deck. Choose from a range of beautiful themes to enhance your content and engage your audience. Say goodbye to tedious manual formatting and hello to streamlined, visually appealing presentations.
Import your PDF

Start this journey by importing your PDF.

Take the first step towards creating an impressive presentation by entering the topic. Remember, importing a detailed PDF is critical for a complete presentation.

Select your target audience generated by AI.

The audience can completely change the content of a presentation. Decktopus AI brings you fully customized decks according to your audience.

Choose the purpose of your presentation generated by AI.

Effortlessly identify and select your target audience with the help of AI-generated insights. Now it is much easier for your presentations to reach their goal!

Pick a visually appealing theme from our templates.

Transform your presentation into a visual masterpiece with our extensive collection of professionally designed templates.
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