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A Conversation on How Decktopus Can Help Ease Student Life for Engineers

In an extended interview with the Vitruvian organizing team, we were able to identify the growing need for a tool or platform for presentation and document creation that would alleviate the time and stress involved for organizations like these.

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October 9, 2023

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What's Inside?

User Testimonial: Bioengineering Student Community Joins Decktopus

The Story of Bioengineering Student Community (BESCO)

Bioengineering Student Community (BESCO) was founded in 2019 by undergraduate Bioengineering students. The main goal of the community is to help members gain social experience and thrive in industrial and academic fields. In order to achieve these goals, the community aims to organize events where students will seek appropriate sects in the community and to organize educational initiatives through partnering with experts in their fields. BESCO Vitruvian has been one of the successful initiatives organized by the community. IA science and education centered conference, the event was aimed at bringing together researchers in Biomaterials Science and Tissue Engineering fields around the globe to exchange ideas and to inform curious students about the cutting-edge research conducted in these fields.

A Growing Need for an Optimized Document & Deck Creation Platform for Students

In an extended interview with the Vitruvian organizing team, we were able to identify the growing need for a tool or platform for presentation and document creation that would alleviate the time and stress involved for organizations like these. The team shares this struggle in the following quote: 

“In the Vitruvian organizing team, we did not have a designer that could make our presentations and PR materials in a way that represents our professionality. Therefore, we had to learn how to create these documents and were obliged to work on these materials for weeks. It was hard to create proper and professional-looking presentations and documents while we had so many things on our to-do lists. We were also having a hard time when it comes to saving our PR folder and sharing it with the rest of the organizing committee who is responsible for sharing the latest version of the folder with the attendees. After weeks of sharing and developing for the conference, we had too many versions of the PR folder and it was severely inconvenient. With Decktopus, we can create presentations and documents online and share the latest version of the PR folder with a link.”

This use case closely reflects one of the foundational principles of Decktopus; to minimize the hassle of presentation and deck creation, allowing teams and organizations to focus on what actually matters. With us, you can strike the task item that concerns the presentation deck preparation of your calendar. Once you have your content ready, the presentation will be ready to go in under 5 minutes. 

Decktopus as the Go-to Presentation Tool for Vitruvian

When asked what made the team search for a different document creation tool and how they decided to check out Decktopus as a platform that stands out, this is the response we received from the team: 

“As the BESCO Vitruvian organizing committee, we initially looked for a platform where we could create PR presentations and documents online. We wanted to share the link to the latest version of the materials and get rid of the many copies of different versions. On Decktopus, we were thrilled to see how convenient link sharing could be compared to downloaded documents and having to share material manually. In short, we were looking for a platform to create our PR materials online and send them with a simple customised online link.”

A part of our conversation involved what we can improve throughout the Decktopus product funnel and user journey. The team explained a minor misunderstanding through this response: 

“During our subscription process to Decktopus, we ran into a slight misunderstanding that initially got in the way for our subscription. I initially thought that the templates were only suitable for business materials, and I couldn’t use them for our PR materials and academic purposes. Fortunately, I learned that there are many types of templates and slide layouts that are available for advertising and educational purposes.”

This has been an extremely useful insight as we decided to group our templates so that the diversity in the topic domain of our templates is apparent on the web journey. 

Favorite Features: Decktopus

The Vitruvian team has found many of our features as a must-have for all presentation creation platforms. They share some of the striking features that were life-changing for them. 

“The fact that I could adjust the size, colors of the layouts, and font type made me very happy. I was also very satisfied with the design options and color palettes. By using Decktopus, I can create completely unique presentations with very little effort and as a a busy woman, I find these features life-changing.”

Evidently, even their community and their event participants were even noticing the difference in the decks they were creating. 

“According to the feedback from our organizing committee and attendees, I can say that the end-product was more put together and simple in a way that looks professional. We believe that Decktopus helped us to create presentations and documents that represent us the best.”

Check out some of our further customisation features here such as custom domain, custom font, custom color code, and more!

Consider Decktopus Recommended!

We were really happy to hear that the team is ready to be one of our utmost cheerleaders. 

“As an organization member, preparing the PR materials online with my fellow team members on Decktopus have eased up the process of sharing the latest content. We also were able to create these engaging PR materials with minimal effort and without any design limitations. As an engineering student, creating presentations and documents with less effort made my life much easier. This way, I have more time to focus on the content of my speech and practice more. I recommend this product for organizations like us and every student.”

We thank the BESCO team for such a fruitful conversation and hope they continue to grow their organization and impact through Decktopus. 

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