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Hiring and Onboarding Template
The perfect template to use during company orientation conferences. Suitable for kickstart the conference with the company background, team, and company policies. This template can be used as a presentation, or as a summary document. It is fully customizable according to the branding.
Company orientation is an event organized when new employees are introduced to the company. The aim is to introduce the company to them and also introduce them to the company. Generally, company orientation is held in a conference room and starts with a presentation where one of the members of the HR team introduces the company. This company orientation template is for those kinds of events where the company seeks templates and inspiration to create an engaging event. This deck includes the following:
Where major milestones, outstanding achievements are shared.
Where company vision is introduced. The goal is to resonate with new employees and help them to see the big picture.
Briefly introduce the products and services of the company. This is a great way to initiate the conversation and take feedback about products.
The best way to describe the history of the company is to use a video and use thought leaders of the team to come into the stage and describe the company.
Make sure to include the major milestones and achievements.
The best way to talk about the company culture is to give examples and share stories.
Introduce and call the team on stage to initiate the warm conversation. Make sure to present heads of teams.
Listing facilities and opportunities employees can benefit from is a great way to end the orientation and start touring the company.
Taking questions from the audience can break the ice.
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