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2 Week Running Guide For Beginners
2 weeks, 2 hours per week, 10 miles, 5k. If you’re ready to get started with these 3 targets in mind then this is the guide for you! Get your guide prepared by Triwi Global today!
Whether you’ve never run before or work out regularly, this guide is for YOU.
You know the drill: You have that one pushy friend who always tries to get you to go running with them. Sooner or later they wear down your resolve to stay on the couch by insisting there are no excuses - just put on some comfortable shoes and go! And sometimes, when the day has been especially stressful, it feels so darn good to listen to their advice. BUT what happens when your new interest in running becomes something more than a passing fad?
Contact: https://www.triwiglobal.com
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