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Use Case Series: Decktopus Changed the Way of Bootstrapping

Startups are the riskiest yet fastest units of the economy. By their natures, they work to achieve the maximum with the less. Their go-to move is “the strategy”. The strategy of spending sources to the right places, the strategy of building the right monetizing strategy...

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March 14, 2023

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Use Case Series prepared by Decktopus Content Team
Table of Contents

What's Inside?

Startups are the riskiest yet fastest units of the economy. By their natures, they work to achieve the maximum with the less. Their go-to move is “the strategy”. The strategy of spending sources to the right places, the strategy of building the right monetizing strategy, and the strategy to build an audience. In this article, we are introducing another active member of Decktopus. Meet Zeynep and start to be amazed by the strategy they have built by using Decktopus.

Who is Zeynep Akcasiz?

She has graduated from landscape design and engineering back in 1992 but she never followed such a path. Instead, she started her own agency to organize events for corporates who want to raise awareness about their brands. After years of working she moved to a different city and decided to start fresh with a new city and new environment. She started taking coaching training and certified. Later, she built another company to serve as a professional coach. While coaching she coached a lot of different entrepreneurs that she got inspired by the entrepreneurship of her own. After having a conversation and finding a co-founder she started another business to build smart wear to assist women on their wellness journey and changing the way women taking care of themselves, Triwi. She is a part-time business coach and full-time entrepreneur now and while working on building the product they are focused on building a community. She said, “While building a product the best way to grow is to grow by a community. To grow a community one should always be strategic on how they spend their money. Especially when it comes to advertising.”. To learn more about her story you can visit her personal page.

Creating Valuable Resources

Zeynep generally creates documents on Decktopus to attract her potential customers online and sometimes she uses Decktopus to send proposals to her coaching clients. She expresses herself as “I never used Decktopus to pitch, I used it to create valuable resources that people will believe in.” which is a whole other use case of Decktopus. She creates resources like “How to Stick into Habits?”, “Free Running Guide”, and “Backpack Essentials for Labor” who tool a lot of time to come up with but only a day to prepare. Below you will find a sample document she created for her company.

One of the things we love about her method of using is actually changed the way the team looks at Decktopus too. She says “As entrepreneurs, we have a lot of things on our plates especially at the early stages. We were so focused on building a technology that we had to spend our whole capital on technical spendings but in the end, we had a domain but a really bad website that I personally tried to build. To raise the money we had to have a pool of early adopters and to build that we had to build a small but sufficient community. The only way to build a brand from scratch was to start advertising, immediately. For this reason, we had one shot of investment. At that moment we came across Decktopus. It an affordable and tool that required any other person to build something. We jump right to it and created resources for the people we targeted. By using forms we made it required for people to leave their information in order to see the information. By matching our website’s domain we didn’t have to create a good-looking website to convert, we directly pushed ads to the document. At the end of month 1, we reached 1.5k followers on Instagram, and on the first week we have collected 30 new leads with only $10!” also by adding “Decktopus Business Package, our domain and hosting are the only things we pay other than advertising and technical team right now. I know no better way of bootstrapping!”.

What Features Does Zeynep Have Access To?

She has all access! She upgraded her account to business when we launched and started using every feature we release. It’s safe to say she is a perfect early adaptor! The business package of Decktopus is designed for business owners to collect all kinds of information from their recipients. She is able to create forms, collect information about potential clients, see her deck’s analytics and review to perform better, adjust her documents to her business needs, and many more! To learn more about it visit our pricing page!

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